Writing with Rilke

Performative intervention

IDEA Journal panel at Melbourne Art Book Fair

Melbourne Design Week 2022

I was invited to participate in a workshop and panel discussion for IDEA Journal where selected articles from the (Extra) Ordinary Interiors issue were further unpacked through performative reflections. For my contribution, my former studio-mate and new editor of IDEA Journal Chris Cottrell and I reperformed an intervention where I wrote a segment of text from Rainer Maria Rilke on the studio windows. Cottrell and I wrote together, he in our old studio in Melbourne, and I at my home in Tāmaki Makaurau (Auckland). As we wrote we discussed ideas of blurring creative practice and everyday life, porous thresholds between interiors/exteriors, local creative broadcasts, and ways of engaging publics outside of the traditional creative infrastructures of galleries and festivals.

You can watch the full IDEA Journal panel here.

You can the journal article I wrote for IDEA here.



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